Professor - Keppler, Hans |
Forschungsinteressen: |
- Structure and properties of fluids and silicate melts
- Water in nominally anhydrous minerals and Earth's internal water cycle
- Behavior of trace elements in magmatic-hydrothermal systems
- Effect of volcanic eruptions on climate
- Transport processes in subduction zones
- Optical properties and radiative thermal conductivity of mantle minerals under high pressure
Ausbildung: |
- 1985 Diploma in Mineralogy (with distinction), University of Karlsruhe
- 1987 Diploma in Chemistry (with distinction), University of Karlsruhe
- 1988 Dr. rer. nat. (with distinction), University of Karlsruhe
Berufliche Erfahrung: |
- 1988 - 1990 Research Fellow in Geology, California Institute of Technology
- 1990 - 2000 Research Scientist / Heisenberg Fellow, Bayerisches Geoinstitut
- 2000 - 2004 Professor of Mineralogy, University of Tübingen
- 2004 - present Professor, Bayerisches Geoinstitut
- 2006 - 2012 Director, Bayerisches Geoinstitut
Ehrungen: |
- 1992 Heinz Maier Leibnitz Award, German Federal Ministry for Research and Education
- 1995 Gerhard Hess Award, German Science Foundation (DFG)
- 1996 Victor Moritz Goldschmidt Award, German Mineralogical Society (DMG)
- 1999 American Mineralogist Citation for Excellence in Editing
- 2001 Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Award, German Science Foundation (DFG)
- 2004 Fellow of the Mineralogical Society of America
- 2008 Member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences
- 2008 Member of the German National Academy of Sciences (Leopoldina)
- 2010 Fellow of the American Geophysical Union
- 2010 Bowen Award, American Geophysical Union
- 2012 Fellow of the Geochemical Society and of the European Association of Geochemistry
Redaktionen: |
- 1995 - 1999 Associate Editor, American Mineralogist
- 2007 - Editorial Board, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology
- 2007 - Editorial Board, Elements
Neuere Veröffentlichungen: |
updated: 08-04-2014
complete list
- Shcheka SS, Keppler H (2012) The origin of the terrestrial noble-gas signature. Nature 490: 531-534
- Bali E, Audetat A, Keppler H (2013) Water and hydrogen are immiscible in Earth's mantle. Nature 495: 220-222
- Li Y, Wiedenbeck, M, Shcheka S, Keppler H (2013) Nitrogen solubility in upper mantle minerals. Earth Planet Sci Lett 377-378: 311-323
- Schmauss D, Keppler H (2014) Adsorption of sulfur dioxide on volcanic ashes. Am Mineral 99: 1085-1094
- Ni H, Keppler H, Walte N, Schiavi F, Chen Y, Masotta M, Li Z (2014) In situ observation of crystal growth in a basalt melt and the development of crystal size distribution in igneous rocks. Contrib Mineral Petrol 167: Art Nr 1003
- Konschak, Alexander; Keppler, H (2014) The speciation of carbon dioxide in silicate melts. Contrib Mineral Petrol 167: Art Nr 998