FEG scanning electron microscope with BSE detector, EDS, EBSD and CL
Cameca SX-50 electron microprobe; fully-automated with 10-crystal, 4 spectrometer configuration, BSE detector and capability for light elements
ICP-AES sequential spectrometer
Determination of water content by Karl-Fischer titration
III. In-situ determination of properties
2 calorimeters (77 - 1000 K scanning; 700 - 2200 K drop and scanning)
2 dilatometers (to 1800 K; viscosity by penetration, parallel-plate, fibre elongation and beam-bending; thermal expansivity measurements)
Diamond anvil cells for single crystal X-ray diffraction, Mössbauer spectroscopy, Raman scattering, infrared and optical spectroscopy including facilities for hydrothermal studies
1-atm furnaces (to 2400 K, gas mixing) including apparatus for viscometry, densitometry and galvanic thermo-chemistry, centrifuge studies
Rotation viscometer
Paterson high-pressure and temperature deformation apparatus
Solid medium Griggs-Blacic deformation apparatus
1-atm high-temperature creep apparatus
Splat quencher
2 high frequency ultrasonic interferometers (crystalline and molten materials)
Gigahertz ultrasonic interferometer and an interface to resistance-heated diamond-anvil cells
Heating stage for fluid inclusion studies
Impedance/gain-phase analyser for electrical conductivity studies
Apparatus for in-situ measurements of thermal diffusivity at high P and T
Internally heated autoclave for centrifuge studies
The Geoinstitut is provided with well equipped machine shops, electronic workshop and sample preparation laboratories. It has also access to the university computer centre.