In total there are 17 image(s) in this gallery
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Preparing a rock deformation experiment
Rock deformation experiment
Guided tour through underground Bayreuth preceding the Short Course dinner
Evaluation of Xray diffraction analyses
Introduction into a multianvil press employing six independently acting 800 tonne hydraulic rams
Programming a high-pressure experiment in one of the multianvil presses
Short course participants and trainers after the short course dinner
Planning a piston cylinder experiment
Preparation of a high-pressure multianvil experiment
Preparing a piston cylinder experiment
Gathering for the Short Course Dinner at an old brewery of Bayreuth
Assembling the inner anvil system for a multianvil press experiment
High-resolution analyses of samples by transmission electron microscopy
Assembling a piston cylinder experiment
Two groups of short course participants in the piston cylinder lab
Heavy stuff, the high-pressure equipment in the piston cylinder lab!
Part of the 2014 joint short course evening: a tour through the catacombs underneath the city of Bayreuth