Rother, Alexander
left on: 2023-10-31
new address:
Yuan, Liang (Ph.D. 2019, Sendai)
Computational and experimental mineral physics with applications to the structure and composition of the Earth's interior
left on: 2023-10-31
new address: School of Earth Sciences
China University of Geosciences
730074 Wuhan
P.R. China
Criniti, Giacomo (M.Sc. 2019, Bayreuth)
Elasticity of mantle minerals at HP/HT
left on: 2023-10-14
new address: Criniti, Giacomo
Carnegie Institution for Science
Earth & Planets Laboratory
5241 Broad Branch Road
Washington, DC 20015
email: gcriniti(at)
Dinius, Anna (Administration)
left on: 2023-09-30
new address:
Néri, Adrien (Ph.D. 2019, Toulouse)
Acoustic wave velocities in partially molten systems relevant to the Earth's mantle
left on: 2023-08-31
new address: UMET – Unité Matériaux et Transformation Université de Lille, Bâtiment C6 59655 Villeneuve d’Ascq
email: adrien.neri(at)
Kim, Eun Jeong (Ph.D. 2019, Seoul)
Phase relations of lower mantle minerals using multi-anvil press; distribution of volatile elements in the mantle
left on: 2023-07-28
new address: Kongju National University
Department of Geoenvironmental Sciences
Kongjudaehakro 56
32588 Chungcheongnamdo
email: eunjkim(at)
Purevjav, Narangoo (Ph.D. 2017, Okayama University)
Solubility of hydrogen in nominally anhydrous minerals
left on: 2023-07-03
new address: Seoul National University
email: purevjavnrg(at)
Hin, Remco (Ph.D. 2013, ETH Zurich)
Chemical and isotopic evolution of planetary bodies during their formation and differentiation
left on: 2023-05-01
new address: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - IGAG P/O Università di Milano
Dipartimento di Sciencze della Terra Ardito Desio
Via Mangiagalli 32
20133 Milano
email: remco.hin(at)
Melai, Caterina (M.Sc. 2017, Bayreuth)
Fractionation processes affecting volatile-bearing fluids and melts in the deep mantle
left on: 2023-03-31
new address: Trinity college Dublin
Department of Geology
Museum building
Dublin 2
email: melaic(at)
Tang, Hu (Ph.D. 2018, Yanshan University)
High-temperature and high-pressure synthesis hard and superhard materials
left on: 2023-02-28
new address:

Bayerisches Geoinstitut, Universität Bayreuth, 95440 Bayreuth, Deutschland
Tel: +49-(0) 921 55 3700 / 3766, Fax: +49-(0) 921 55 3769, E-mail: bayerisches.geoinstitut(at)